129 research outputs found

    Zusammenhalt oder Solidarität? Eine kritische Reflexion

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    Die nachfolgend dokumentierte Podiumsdiskussion wurde im Rahmen der AIS-Herbsttagung 2023 geführt. Mathias Berek, Stefanie Börner, Dieter Sauer und Berthold Vogel waren eingeladen, sich aus ihrer Forschung und Disziplin heraus kritisch mit den Konzepten von "Zusammenhalt" und "Solidarität" auseinanderzusetzen. Sie erläutern und begründen, mit welchem Konzept sie selbst arbeiten und diskutieren, wie sich die Begriffe "Solidarität" und "Zusammenhalt" fassen sowie voneinander abgrenzen lassen. Wir danken Mathias Berek, Stefanie Börner, Dieter Sauer und Berthold Vogel sehr für die gleichermaßen reichhaltige wie aufschlussreiche Diskussion und die Möglichkeit, diese hier zu veröffentlichen

    gas phase vibrational spectroscopy of V3O6-8+

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    We present gas phase vibrational spectra of the trinuclear vanadium oxide cations V3O6+·He1–4, V3O7+·Ar0,1, and V3O8+·Ar0,2 between 350 and 1200 cm−1. Cluster structures are assigned based on a comparison of the experimental and simulated IR spectra. The latter are derived from B3LYP/TZVP calculations on energetically low-lying isomers identified in a rigorous search of the respective configurational space, using higher level calculations when necessary. V3O7+ has a cage-like structure of C3v symmetry. Removal or addition of an O-atom results in a substantial increase in the number of energetically low-lying structural isomers. V3O8+ also exhibits the cage motif, but with an O2 unit replacing one of the vanadyl oxygen atoms. A chain isomer is found to be most stable for V3O6+. The binding of the rare gas atoms to V3O6–8+ clusters is found to be strong, up to 55 kJ/mol for Ar, and markedly isomer-dependent, resulting in two interesting effects. First, for V3O7+·Ar and V3O8+·Ar an energetic reordering of the isomers compared to the bare ion is observed, making the ring motif the most stable one. Second, different isomers bind different number of rare gas atoms. We demonstrate how both effects can be exploited to isolate and assign the contributions from multiple isomers to the vibrational spectrum. The present results exemplify the structural variability of vanadium oxide clusters, in particular, the sensitivity of their structure on small perturbations in their environment

    POLD2 and KSP37 (FGFBP2) Correlate Strongly with Histology, Stage and Outcome in Ovarian Carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND:Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) constitutes more than 90% of ovarian cancers and is associated with high mortality. EOC comprises a heterogeneous group of tumours, and the causes and molecular pathology are essentially unknown. Improved insight into the molecular characteristics of the different subgroups of EOC is urgently needed, and should eventually lead to earlier diagnosis as well as more individualized and effective treatments. Previously, we reported a limited number of mRNAs strongly upregulated in human osteosarcomas and other malignancies, and six were selected to be tested for a possible association with three subgroups of ovarian carcinomas and clinical parameters. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The six selected mRNAs were quantified by RT-qPCR in biopsies from eleven poorly differentiated serous carcinomas (PDSC, stage III-IV), twelve moderately differentiated serous carcinomas (MDSC, stage III-IV) and eight clear cell carcinomas (CCC, stage I-IV) of the ovary. Superficial scrapings from six normal ovaries (SNO), as well as biopsies from three normal ovaries (BNO) and three benign ovarian cysts (BBOC) were analyzed for comparison. The gene expression level was related to the histological and clinical parameters of human ovarian carcinoma samples. One of the mRNAs, DNA polymerase delta 2 small subunit (POLD2), was increased in average 2.5- to almost 20-fold in MDSC and PDSC, respectively, paralleling the degree of dedifferentiation and concordant with a poor prognosis. Except for POLD2, the serous carcinomas showed a similar transcription profile, being clearly different from CCC. Another mRNA, Killer-specific secretory protein of 37 kDa (KSP37) showed six- to eight-fold higher levels in CCC stage I compared with the more advanced staged carcinomas, and correlated positively with an improved clinical outcome. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:We have identified two biomarkers which are markedly upregulated in two subgroups of ovarian carcinomas and are also associated with stage and outcome. The results suggest that POLD2 and KSP37 might be potential prognostic biomarkers

    Fabrication of nanostructure via self-assembly of nanowires within the AAO template

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    The novel nanostructures are fabricated by the spatial chemical modification of nanowires within the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template. To make the nanowires better dispersion in the aqueous solution, the copper is first deposited to fill the dendrite structure at the bottom of template. During the process of self-assembly, the dithiol compound was used as the connector between the nanowires and nanoparticles by a self-assembly method. The nanostructures of the nano cigars and structure which is containing particles junction are characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These kinds of novel nanostructure will be the building blocks for nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices

    Killer-like receptors and GPR56 progressive expression defines cytokine production of human CD4+ memory T cells

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    All memory T cells mount an accelerated response on antigen reencounter, but significant functional heterogeneity is present within the respective memory T-cell subsets as defined by CCR7 and CD45RA expression, thereby warranting further stratification. Here we show that several surface markers, including KLRB1, KLRG1, GPR56, and KLRF1, help define low, high, or exhausted cytokine producers within human peripheral and intrahepatic CD4+ memory T-cell populations. Highest simultaneous production of TNF and IFN-γ is observed in KLRB1+KLRG1+GPR56+ CD4 T cells. By contrast, KLRF1 expression is associated with T-cell exhaustion and reduced TNF/IFN-γ production. Lastly, TCRβ repertoire analysis and in vitro differentiation support a regulated, progressive expression for these markers during CD4+ memory T-cell differentiation. Our results thus help refine the classification of human memory T cells to provide insights on inflammatory disease progression and immunotherapy development

    A Survey of Recent Developments in Testability, Safety and Security of RISC-V Processors

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    With the continued success of the open RISC-V architecture, practical deployment of RISC-V processors necessitates an in-depth consideration of their testability, safety and security aspects. This survey provides an overview of recent developments in this quickly-evolving field. We start with discussing the application of state-of-the-art functional and system-level test solutions to RISC-V processors. Then, we discuss the use of RISC-V processors for safety-related applications; to this end, we outline the essential techniques necessary to obtain safety both in the functional and in the timing domain and review recent processor designs with safety features. Finally, we survey the different aspects of security with respect to RISC-V implementations and discuss the relationship between cryptographic protocols and primitives on the one hand and the RISC-V processor architecture and hardware implementation on the other. We also comment on the role of a RISC-V processor for system security and its resilience against side-channel attacks
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